월간 Magic™️ 구독
Cape Diablo 월간 매직 구독으로 마법의 여행을 떠나보세요! Apple Watch 의 정교한 스트랩, 귀걸이, bracelets 중 하나를 선택하고 매달 아름답게 제작된 제품을 받아보세요. 긍정적인 에너지가 깃들어 있고 천연석으로 제작된 각 아이템은 당신의 정신에 영감을 주고 고양되도록 디자인되었습니다. 또한 구독 시 독점 30% 할인 혜택을 누려보세요!
구독 옵션:
- Apple Watch 스트랩 구독: Apple Watch의 독특한 수제 스트랩으로 귀하의 Apple Watch 더욱 멋지게 꾸며보세요.
- 귀걸이 구독: 어떤 상황에도 잘 어울리는 멋진 귀걸이로 자신을 꾸며보세요.
- 팔찌 구독: 아름답게 디자인된 bracelets 의 시대를 초월한 우아함을 즐겨보세요.
탄력 요금제:
- 월간 구독: 매달 새로운 주얼리를 받아보세요.
- 분기별 구독: 3개월마다 새로운 작품으로 마법을 즐겨보세요.
월간 클럽을 통해 매달 깜짝 선물을 푸는 기쁨을 경험해 보세요. 1년에 12번 생일을 맞는 것과 같습니다! 독점적인 Cape Diablo 제품을 문앞까지 배달받고 30% 할인 혜택을 누려보세요.
케이프 디아블로 월간 매직(Cape Diablo Monthly Magic)에 참여하여 우리의 주얼리가 당신의 삶의 긍정성과 아름다움을 매일 일깨워주는 것이 되도록 하십시오. 정기적으로 새롭고 매혹적인 작품을 발견하는 기쁨을 자신에게 선물하거나 사랑하는 사람에게 선물하세요. 모두 30% 할인됩니다!
지금 가입하고 Cape Diablo로 귀하의 스타일을 바꿔보세요!
Handcrafted Jewelry with a Meaning
Handmade with love by artisan moms working from home, Cape Diablo Jewelry pieces are known for their high-quality craftsmanship and unique materials which are carefully sourced from all around the globe.
Learn more
Free Shipping Worldwide!
You’ll be charged at the time of signing up for the Monthly Club and your order will ship within 24-72 hours. After your first order, you’ll be billed on the 1st of each month and receive your package around the 7th!
How It Works:

Discover a New Treasure Each Month!
Celebrate your birthday every month with our Monthly Magic™️ Subscription, bringing you a new, beautifully crafted item each month to enchant your collection.

Enjoy 30% Savings!
Collect all our magical products and save 30% with our monthly subscription, making it easier to indulge in every piece.

Cancel Anytime, No Questions Asked.
Enjoy flexibility with the option to cancel your subscription anytime before your next billing date, though we’re sure you’ll love each magical delivery.

Exclusive Member Perks
Members receive early access to major sales and new product launches, ensuring you’re always the first to experience the latest magic.
Loving my monthly subscription! I receive a new watch strap each month, so I never get bored wearing the same one again and again✨❤️
Delighted with my monthly subscription! Every month brings a new bracelet that perfectly complements my style. It’s like getting a personal gift each time.
Thrilled with the variety I get! Receiving a new pair of earrings every month keeps my look fresh and exciting. I love the surprise element!
Frequently Asked Questions
You’ll be charged at the time of signing up for the Monthly Magic™️ Subscription and your order will ship within 24-72 hours. After your first order, you’ll be billed on the 7th of each month and receive your package around the 15th!
We’ll deliver a surprise product every month based on your Style and Wrist Size preferences. Each monthly design will be selected by our team according to the latest trends.
Nope! You can cancel any time before your next billing date (not that you’ll want to)! Just let us know and we’ll handle the rest!
Whenever you end it! We’ll keep sending you a Monthly Magic™️ product each month until you tell us to stop!
You can contact us through our contact page or email us at support@capediablo.com. We will be happy to assist you!